So this has been annoying me for ages.
I don’t really get what’s it for, more-so because I’m the only shop admin! Either all the orders are “Mine” or none of them.
I remember searching for why previously and came across a bug during a WooCommerce Database update that caused orders to be re-assigned to the owner id 1 if they were set at 0 or something similar. But it didn’t really explain the purpose of this filter and I didn’t get any further in my understanding of why anyone might find it useful.
There was a suggestion that it would come into play for order that were created using the ‘Add Order’ button. Now I can see that may be useful, I do occasionally create orders manually for customers who are having problems and this could be a way of finding them, but there’s no way I’ve manually create the hundreds or thousands that’s there (depending on which site I’m looking at, we have a few).
Not getting anywhere on finding to disable or hide it and just finding lots of info on custom statuses, I gave up. I did consider using CSS to just hide it but I really hate working on CSS when I have to. This wasn’t annoying enough that I had to.
But today I noticed our ‘Pending Payment’ count was rather high. We’ve had a busy month and I haven’t had time to pay attention to the small details. but almost 300 orders ‘Pending Payment’ raised my interest. That was quite cimply that the cronjob to clear them wasn’t there, and I vaguely remembered this happening a few years back. Clearing the inventory timeout, save and setting it back to 60 mins (and save) recreate the cron job. That fired straight away and cancelled half of the orders there. I gave it a few mins and force run the cronjob again, that cleared the queue right down to about 8 orders. 2 of them are valid carts going through now and 6 are manual orders that may/may not have been paid (I need to check each of them) but were holding orders (not really shipping anything) so not an issue.
Once I finished with ‘Pending Payment’ I spotted the ‘Mine’ filter again, which brought back ‘why is it there, can I get rid of it?, it’s totally pointless for me. It just takes up room.
Well people I can say, you can hide it and it’s pretty easy to do.
You can add the following to your functions.php
function hide_mine_filter_shop_orders( $views ) { // Unset the option from the views unset( $views['mine'] ); return $views; }; add_filter( 'views_edit-shop_order', 'hide_mine_filter_shop_orders' );
** The pics are from 2 different sites. I’ll be applying it to all shortly
I know it’s not much, but I’ve never used it and with lots of different order status’ it much better to have one less.
I should add just in case I ever read this again, I actually put that in one of our own plugins that restores the Items Purchased column that was removed from WooCommerce Core but crucial to speedily deal with orders (that still should have been a tick option in screen options, but the devs wouldn’t take that on board).